Photo Shoot Checklist

As a photographer, I have a checklist that I use before I go out on a photo shoot. I want to make sure I have all the necessary items needed so that I can insure my clients are getting the best experience and quality photos.

However, have you ever wondered “what are some things that I should do before a photo shoot?” Here is a brief checklist with some tips on how to prepare for your photo shoot.

  • Hair

If you’re getting a hair cut for your shoot, do it about two weeks before, just in case something goes wrong. If you are a man, a fresh hair cut a few days beforehand is just fine.

With shooting outdoors, its always a good plan to have back up bobby pins, hair ties and a comb/brush. We live in Washington, you never know when that rain or wind will pick up.

  • Red Eyes

If you have red eyes, Visine will be your friend. However, word to the wise, not getting drunk the night before is always a good rule of thumb.

  • Lips

If you have dry lips, a few days before the shoot, using Chapstick will help keep those lips moist and looking their best. Also, for ladies, be sure to bring that favorite tube of lipstick or lip gloss for any necessary moments to reapply.

  • Teeth

If you are someone who would love to have the beautiful while teeth smile, start treatments about two weeks before.

  • Fester Follicles AKA Pimples or Zits

The week before, be sure to keep up on the daily cleansing face regimen if you don’t already have one. If the day before your shoot and you wake up with a pimple that looks like your third eye or double chin, what ever you do, DON’T pick it! Two good things to help dry that bad boy up in a hurry is, rubbing alcohol and toothpaste. That’s right, good ole’ toothpaste.

  • Make up

Nice and clean looking make up is ideal to keep your skin looking soft. The day of  your shoot is not the time to try that smokey or winged eye liner if you have never tried it before.

  • Nails

Growing up I was always told, how you kept your hands, said a lot about you. A fresh clean and natural color of nail polish will make a huge difference. Ladies remember, your photo shoot is a wonderful excuse to have that Mani and Pedi.

  • Clothes

To help the morning of your shoot go as smoothly as possible, lay your clothes out the night before. That way you have plenty of time to do any outfit tweaking or ironing that you may need to do.

There you are, I hope this simple but brief checklist will be helpful next time you schedule your photo shoot.





Author: hcphotographyllc

My name is Lisa McKenzie and I am the owner and photographer for Heavenly Creations Photography LLC. I have had a passion for photography for quite some time. My first interaction with a DSLR camera was back in 2011. My husband knew my love for photography and made the purchase of my first DSLR after having a miscarriage. It was during this very emotional time in my life that I grew a deeper love for photographing those moments in life we want to be able to remember and cherish. Over the last 7 years with a dream of owning my own business, passion for photography, and huge amounts of support and encouragement from my husband, I am proud to announce that Heavenly Creations Photography LLC is open for business in the Puyallup and surrounding areas. Heavenly Creations Photography LLC specializes in Children, Teens, High School Seniors, Engagement, Families, Couples, and Candids.

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